
The Firm has extensive experience conducting training, workshops, and public presentations specifically tailored to our public agencies clients. Our attorneys’ experience teaching topics including but not limited to land use, CEQA, RLUIPA, climate changes and sustainability, wildfire resiliency, NEPA and many other topics through such august organizations as UCLA Extension, the State of California Continuing Judicial Studies Program, the American Planning Association, The Rutter Group, the League of California Cities, the County Counsel’s Association of California, and others keeps us abreast of the most up to date issues in California environmental and land use law today. These conferences also provide our attorneys an opportunity to consult with not just other attorneys, but also planners, city managers, superior court judges, appellate justices and court attorneys to discuss and evaluate other perspectives and experiences. Our close, long-term relationships with our public agency clients lets us adapt our workshops to the specific needs, and issues of most concern to their in-house attorneys, planners, and other staff. Recent workshops have included Climate Change and Sustainability for county counsel and planners for a large metropolitan county, RLUIPA training for city council members, city attorneys and planners, and Administrative Record Preparation for city attorney and planning staff in one of the most populous cities in California.