Workshops The Firm has extensive experience conducting training, workshops, and public presentations specifically tailored to our public agencies clients. Our attorneys’ experience teaching topics including but not limited to land use, CEQA, RLUIPA, climate changes and sustainability, wildfire resiliency, NEPA and many other topics through such august organizations as UCLA Extension, the State of California [...]
General Plans
ozy_usc@hotmail.com2019-08-07T14:21:48+00:00General Plans Updates, Amendments, Environmental Impact Reports and Litigation The Firm assists public agencies throughout California with updates, amendments, and the supporting environmental documents to their General Plans. We assist agencies in preparing the mostly legally defensible documents possible, and, if necessary, represent the agency in any subsequent litigation. The Firm has reviewed [...]
Animal Confinement Facilities Plan
ozy_usc@hotmail.com2019-07-01T21:37:48+00:00Animal Confinement Facilities Plan Tulare County The 2017 Animal Confinement Facilities Plan (ACFP) and Dairy and Feedlot Climate Action Plan (Dairy CAP) streamlined the way dairies and bovine facilities are regulated by the County of Tulare. Under the 2017 ACFP, dairy expansions which fully comply with the requirements of the ACFP and with mitigation measures [...]