Animal Confinement Facilities Plan
Tulare County

The 2017 Animal Confinement Facilities Plan (ACFP) and Dairy and Feedlot Climate Action Plan (Dairy CAP) streamlined the way dairies and bovine facilities are regulated by the County of Tulare.  Under the 2017 ACFP, dairy expansions which fully comply with the requirements of the ACFP and with mitigation measures in the ACFP and Dairy and Feedlot Climate Action Plan (Dairy CAP) EIR may be eligible for a streamlined site plan review process for permitting approval. The Dairy CAP provided a specific procedure for streamlined CEQA analysis of dairy GHG emissions.  Sohagi Law Group services included legal review of the ACFP, Dairy CAP, and EIR; drafting of implementing ordinances; drafting of CEQA findings; and participation at Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors hearings. The firm also represented Tulare County in CEQA litigation challenging the EIR.