Santa Clara Valley Water District
Santa Clara Valley

The Firm has represented Santa Clara Valley Water District as outside CEQA counsel since 2010. The firm has provided CEQA strategic advice, detailed CEQA document review, and litigation services for over 20 different water supply and flood management projects. Projects include EIR/EIS reviews for the San Luis Reservoir Low Point Improvement Project and the South San Francisco Bay Shoreline Phase 1 Study, and EIR reviews for flood management projects on Berryessa and Penitencia Creeks.

In addition, the firm is providing strategic CEQA advice and EIR review services for the District’s Fisheries and Aquatic Habitat Collaborative Effort (FAHCE), a major long-term program intended to improve fish habitat and fish passage within the watersheds of the Coyote Creek, Stevens Creeks, and the Guadalupe River; proposed project actions include modifications to reservoir operations to provide instream flows, restoration measures to improve habitat conditions and provide fish passage, and adaptive management. Priority EIR topics include impacts of the proposed project on improving habitat for Central Coast Steelhead, a threatened species listed under the federal Endangered Species Act, and impacts of proposed reservoir reoperations on the District’s surface water and groundwater supplies.