Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategies

Ms. Sohagi has served as SANDAG’s CEQA and land use counsel since the late 1980s. The Firm’s major work has included legal review and litigation support for the first Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (“RTP/SCS”) in the state and its EIR, adopted in 2011, as well as legal review of 2015 and 2021 updates to the regional plan (‘San Diego Forward”) and associated EIRs The Firm’s advice and reviews for SANDAG’s regional plans and their EIRs have required in depth knowledge of federal and state transportation planning law, Clean Air Act conformity requirements, affordable housing and regional housing needs assessment law, and regulatory programs for air quality, biological resources, greenhouse gases, and water quality. In addition to reviewing regional plans and their EIRs, the Firm has assisted SANDAG on CEQA reviews for many individual projects, such as a proposed downtown San Diego bus layover and multi-use facility. We also regularly assist SANDAG in responding to related ongoing Public Records Act requests and compilation of administrative records.