


Workshops The Firm has extensive experience conducting training, workshops, and public presentations specifically tailored to our public agencies clients. Our attorneys’ experience teaching topics including but not limited to land use, CEQA, RLUIPA, climate changes and sustainability, wildfire resiliency, NEPA and many other topics through such august organizations as UCLA Extension, the State of California [...]

Agricultural Conservation Easement Program


Agricultural Conservation Easement Program Yolo County The Sohagi Law Group assisted Yolo County in revising its agricultural conservation easement ordinance. In addition to suggesting ordinance content, our services included reviewing economic consultant technical reports, including a survey of other California local government mitigation ratios. A tiered approach to mitigation ratios was ultimately selected, [...]

Santa Clara Valley Water District


Santa Clara Valley Water District Santa Clara Valley The Firm has represented Santa Clara Valley Water District as outside CEQA counsel since 2010. The firm has provided CEQA strategic advice, detailed CEQA document review, and litigation services for over 20 different water supply and flood management projects. Projects include EIR/EIS reviews for the [...]

City of Los Angeles, Port of Los Angeles


Southern California International Gateway City of Los Angeles, Port of Los Angeles Extensive legal oversight and review on numerous Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Reports (EIS/EIRs) and multiple related legal opinions for projects at the Port of Los Angeles.  Ms. Sohagi was instrumental in negotiating acceptable mitigation measures with environmental and community groups active [...]

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