Lithium Valley Specific Plan Imperial County In 2022, the California Legislature approved SB 125 which allocated funding for the development of plans for geothermal energy development and lithium extraction, processing, production, and related manufacturing activities within Imperial County. The Lithium Valley Specific Plan and PEIR will expedite the development and permitting of lithium extraction, lithium [...]
ozy_usc@hotmail.com2021-04-28T20:14:32+00:00Workshops The Firm has extensive experience conducting training, workshops, and public presentations specifically tailored to our public agencies clients. Our attorneys’ experience teaching topics including but not limited to land use, CEQA, RLUIPA, climate changes and sustainability, wildfire resiliency, NEPA and many other topics through such august organizations as UCLA Extension, the State of California [...]
LAX Airfield & Terminal Modernization Project
ozy_usc@hotmail.com2019-07-01T21:43:24+00:00LAX Airfield & Terminal Modernization Project City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles World Airports As part of our long-standing role as special CEQA Counsel to Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA), we are lead CEQA counsel for the proposed LAX Airfield & Terminal Modernization Project (ATMP). The proposed project includes airfield enhancements to increase [...]
Animal Confinement Facilities Plan
ozy_usc@hotmail.com2019-07-01T21:37:48+00:00Animal Confinement Facilities Plan Tulare County The 2017 Animal Confinement Facilities Plan (ACFP) and Dairy and Feedlot Climate Action Plan (Dairy CAP) streamlined the way dairies and bovine facilities are regulated by the County of Tulare. Under the 2017 ACFP, dairy expansions which fully comply with the requirements of the ACFP and with mitigation measures [...]
LAX Landside Access Modernization Program
ozy_usc@hotmail.com2019-07-01T20:38:34+00:00LAX Landside Access Modernization Program City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles World Airports As part of our long-standing role as special CEQA Counsel to Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA), we reviewed the planning documents and associated EIR for the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) Landside Access Modernization Program (LAMP), a multi-billion-dollar update to [...]
City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles World Airports
ozy_usc@hotmail.com2019-07-01T20:39:45+00:00LAX Tom Bradley International Terminal City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles World Airports The Firm provided CEQA and land use advice regarding the renovated Tom Bradley International Terminal (TBIT). The project, a $2 billion renovation of the international terminal and gates at LAX, is considered to be the largest public works project in [...]
City of Los Angeles, Port of Los Angeles
City of Los Angeles, Port of Los Angeles
ozy_usc@hotmail.com2019-07-01T20:40:49+00:00Southern California International Gateway City of Los Angeles, Port of Los Angeles Extensive legal oversight and review on numerous Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Reports (EIS/EIRs) and multiple related legal opinions for projects at the Port of Los Angeles. Ms. Sohagi was instrumental in negotiating acceptable mitigation measures with environmental and community groups active [...]
San Diego Association of Governments
San Diego Association of Governments
ozy_usc@hotmail.com2019-08-07T14:24:51+00:00Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategies Ms. Sohagi has served as SANDAG’s CEQA and land use counsel since the late 1980s. The Firm’s major work has included legal review and litigation support for the first Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (“RTP/SCS”) in the state and its EIR, adopted in 2011, as well as legal review [...]
City of Vista Climate Action Plan
City of Vista Climate Action Plan
ozy_usc@hotmail.com2019-07-01T21:28:14+00:00City of Vista Climate Action Plan City of Vista The Firm provided legal advice to the City of Vista regarding the Final Program EIR (PEIR) for the General Plan (GP) 2030 Update related to the implementation of a quantified Climate Action Plan (CAP) to reduce potentially significant climate change impacts. The Firm reviewed [...]
City of Pasadena Hill at Colorado Hotel/Planned Development District
City of Pasadena Hill at Colorado Hotel/Planned Development District
ozy_usc@hotmail.com2019-07-01T20:35:43+00:00Pasadena Hill at Colorado Hotel/Planned Development District City of Pasadena We reviewed General Plan, Zoning, entitlements, and associated EIR for compliance with CEQA. The project involved a mixed-use development in a Transit Priority Area, and therefore exempt from specific CEQA analyses under SB 743. The project was also the first development project in [...]